To be an active part of and enrich our local community.
Our mission is to enrich our community by developing social connectedness, promoting healthy lifestyles and providing opportunities for lifelong learning, recreation and support within an inclusive, safe and welcoming environment.
In 1977 the then City of Waverley, decided to use the property we are located in as a part time Infant Welfare Centre & Neighbourhood House. The doors officially opened on 23 August 1977. Early activities were based on a door to door survey and included: sewing lessons, flower arrangement, new mothers groups and an older person's afternoon tea. School holiday programs were introduced in 1987 and the first Baby & Toy Bazaar in 1988. The House was incorporated in 1988 with a $2 membership fee. Community involvement steadily increased throughout the 90's and the House became part of the Australian Neighbourhood House Network.
The work of Kerrie Neighbourhood House is supported by a wonderful team of part-time staff & volunteers
Manager: Laura Orr
Office Administrator: Jo Whatley
Bookkeeper: Beth Ellis
Kerrie Neighbourhood House Inc. is overseen by a Committee of Governance. The Committee is elected, by the KNH Inc. Membership, at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee is responsible for providing transparent and accountable governance and strategy to the House.It also bears ultimate legal responsibility for the organisation.
President: Rosanne Pittard
Vice President: Robyn Hofmann
Treasurer: Margaret Menzies
Secretary: Robyn Hofmann
General Members: Greg Menzies, Geraldine Howson & Gaurav Ahuja
All our classes and workshops are facilitated by our highly valued, experienced and friendly tutors, many of whom have worked at Kerrie Rd for years!
Fitness & Well-being
Nicky Arioli (Yoga)
Angela Leiminger (Yoga)
Martina Rosenberger (Yoga)
Yvonne Woon (Yoga)
Pauline Nichols (Strength)
Nicky Cato (Pilates)
Jia Li (Pilates)
Ana Bolena Vidarte (Salsa)
General Interest
Isabelle Martin (French)
Ana Bolena Vidarte (Spanish)
Christine Matysik (Art)
Children's Activities
Fathima Ahamed (Tween & Junior Art)
Leila Mahmoodi (Junior Art)
Mary Karvellas (Junior Art)
Edna Louzado (Cooking)
Susanne Turner (Playgroup)
Kerrie Rd Neighbourhood House (KNH Inc) would like to acknowledge and thank its partners and supporters.
